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Item Types

Use the drop-down menu to detail what happened in the transaction. There are nine item types to choose from. Some events may not require to include any items, while others may have more than one to give an accurate description of the event.

Token transfersAny tokens (ERC20 or NFT) entering or leaving a wallet. You can specify the transfer to the “from” account or the “to” account. Filters for ERC20 or NFT can be added.image
NFT CollectionReferences a collection address available in the transaction data. Example: approving a collection to be transacted on a marketplace.image
ERC20 TokenReferences a token that did not move. Example: approving a token to be transferred without funds moving.image
AccountsReferences any wallet involved in the transaction, including intermediaries. Can be displayed as a full address or aliased as an ENS.image
NFTPoints to a specific NFT not moving in or out of the wallet. Requires the NFT collection address and token ID data.image
NetworkRefers to a network ID in the transaction, useful for bridging transactions to reference a destination chain.image
StringSurfaces any text in an event, such as a comment made on a vote.image
NumberReferences a number, such as the number of proposals a user voted on.image
DurationRefers to a time period, like locking funds for a certain period. The source scale is the contract's duration, and the target scale is how you want to display it (e.g., minutes to months).image

Watch this video to see an example of an EI using a "String" item to interpret.


You don’t need to use every filter if it's not needed to describe the transaction. For example, filtering on the token transfer standard is optional.