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Overview of App Contract Positions

What is an App Contract Position?

Like App Tokens, App Contract Positions represent onchain investments and what their redeemable value is, in terms of underlying tokens.

The key difference is that these positions are not tokenized, and are a bit more arbitrary.

  • For App Tokens, you deposit a token and receive a token in return. Thus, it is tokenized.
  • For App Contract Positions, you deposit a token and do not receive any tokens in return. Instead, the contract you deposited into logs the investment as a position on the contract, and you can redeem the position for the underlying token at any time.

App Contract Positions are:

  • Generally not transferrable (though some contracts may allow you to delegate or transfer them)
  • Fungible - you deposit into a large vault, alongside all the other depositors
  • Redeemable - you can redeem your position for the underlying token at any time (unless it's locked)
  • Related to a crypto App

Note that Zapper also treats NFT-based positions as App Contract Positions, despite them being tokenized. This is because the NFT you receive in return for the deposit does not represent the balance of the position, but rather the position itself. Due to this, Zapper cannot calculate how much of the position a user owns from the NFT alone and must query the contract to determine the balance.

Common examples of App Contract Positions are:

  • Deposits into farms of liquidity mining programs. Common examples are staking your Curve LP tokens on Convex Finance, or staking your Sushi LP tokens on SushiSwap.
  • Deposits into staking contracts, where you do not receive a staking token in return. Common examples are Gitcoin Staking
  • DCA or salary stream contracts, like Sablier's payment streams or Balmy's (fka Mean Fiance) DCA contracts
  • NFT-based on positions - where you deposit an NFT into a contract and receive a position in return. Common examples are Uniswap V3 NFTs

What is an App Contract Position Interpreter (ACPI)?

An App Contract Position Interpreter (ACPI) is a set of rules that Zapper uses to interpret the positions you have in a contract and calculate their value in terms of underlying tokens.

All app contract positions are redeemable for some amount of underlying token(s).

There are 5 main components to an ACPI:

  1. Contracts & network the ACPI applies to
  2. Definitions
  3. Account addresses
  4. Underlying tokens
  5. Price per share

Components of App Contract Position Interpreter

Contracts & Network

App Contract Position Interpreters start with the basis of a contract address or a contract factory.

The basic assumption is that the same ACPI template can be used to resolve all instances of the same contract produced by the contract factory.

For example, JPEG'd, an NFT-backed loans app, has a contract for each NFT collection it supports. The same ACPI template can be used to resolve all instances of the same contract produced by the contract factory.


The set of investment positions held within 1 smart contract. 1 smart contract can hold many different balances for same the user, across many positions. An example of this would be Master Chef farms, where multiple liquidity pool tokens can be staked within the same contract.

The ability to have multiple balances within a smart contract is a key differentiator between App Token Interpreters and App Contract Position Interpreters. App Tokens can only have 1 balance held within the contract, which is the user's balance of the App Token itself.

Account Addresses

The EOAs or smart contracts meet certain criteria to potentially have a position within the contract. This could be all addresses that have been deposited into the contract, or only a subset of addresses that have been deposited into the contract, and could be keyed off of logs, or returned via a method on the contract.

Underlying Tokens

The token(s) that the App Contract Position is redeemable for. This could be 1 token, or multiple tokens, and could be sourced from a method called on the contract, or input directly into the ACPI.

Price Per Share

A formula or value that defines how much the position is worth in terms of the underlying token(s). This could be a simple value, such as 1, or a complex formula that requires calling methods on the contract to calculate.


"addressFactory": {
"type": "FROM_LOG",
"resolvers": [
"address": {
"type": "STRING",
"value": "0xde1c04855c2828431ba637675b6929a684f84c7f"
"signature": "event LlamaPayCreated(address token, address llamaPay)",
"startBlock": 14676643,
"resolveData": [
"key": "tokenAddress",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.token"
"resolveAddress": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.llamaPay"
"definitionFactory": {
"type": "FROM_LOG",
"resolvers": [
"signature": "StreamCreated(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint216 amountPerSec, bytes32 streamId)",
"resolveKey": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.streamId"
"resolveData": [
"key": "payee",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": ""
"key": "payer",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.from"
"key": "streamId",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.streamId"
"key": "amountPerSec",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.amountPerSec"
"signature": "StreamCreatedWithReason(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint216 amountPerSec, bytes32 streamId, string reason)",
"resolveKey": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.streamId"
"resolveData": [
"key": "payee",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": ""
"key": "payer",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.from"
"key": "reason",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.reason"
"key": "streamId",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.streamId"
"key": "amountPerSec",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.amountPerSec"
"signature": "StreamModified(address indexed from, address indexed oldTo, uint216 oldAmountPerSec, bytes32 oldStreamId, address indexed to, uint216 amountPerSec, bytes32 newStreamId)",
"resolveKey": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.newStreamId"
"resolveData": [
"key": "payee",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": ""
"key": "payer",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.from"
"key": "streamId",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.newStreamId"
"key": "amountPerSec",
"rule": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.amountPerSec"
"accountFactory": {
"type": "FROM_LOG",
"resolvers": [
"signature": "StreamCreated(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint216 amountPerSec, bytes32 streamId)",
"resolveKey": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.streamId"
"resolveData": [],
"resolveAccountAddress": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": ""
"signature": "StreamCreatedWithReason(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint216 amountPerSec, bytes32 streamId, string reason)",
"resolveKey": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.streamId"
"resolveData": [],
"resolveAccountAddress": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": ""
"signature": "StreamModified(address indexed from, address indexed oldTo, uint216 oldAmountPerSec, bytes32 oldStreamId, address indexed to, uint216 amountPerSec, bytes32 newStreamId)",
"resolveKey": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "log.args.newStreamId"
"resolveData": [],
"resolveAccountAddress": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": ""
"labelRule": {
"description": "Streamed $1",
"descriptionInterpolations": [
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "tokens[0].symbol"
"tokenRules": [
"metaType": "SUPPLIED",
"addressRule": {
"args": [],
"type": "METHOD_CALL",
"target": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "address"
"signature": "token() returns (address)"
"tokenIdRule": null,
"balanceRule": {
"type": "TRY_CATCH",
"tryRule": {
"type": "SEQUENCE",
"steps": [
"args": [
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "data.payer"
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "data.payee"
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "data.amountPerSec"
"type": "METHOD_CALL",
"target": {
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "address"
"signature": "withdrawable(address, address, uint216) returns (uint256, uint256, uint256)"
"type": "REFERENCE",
"reference": "step1[0]"
"catchRule": {
"type": "NUMBER",
"value": 0