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Totals & Stats

Get aggregate statistics for NFT holdings, including total count and total value of NFTs owned by specified addresses.


Takes an array of addresses as input, with similar filtering options as nftUsersTokens. Returns aggregated statistics including:

  • Total count of NFTs owned
  • Total value of NFT holdings
  • Balance summaries
  • Token count metrics
  • Quick summaries of NFT holdings without fetching individual token details.

Example Use Case: Portfolio Summary

Let's say you want to show the total value and count of NFTs in a user's portfolio. Start by passing the owners addresses you want to check. Then return the count of NFTs matching your filters, the totalCount of all NFTs owned, and the combined balanceUSD value. You can optionally specify a network or other filters to narrow down the results.

Example Variables

"owners": ["0x3d280fde2ddb59323c891cf30995e1862510342f"],
"network": "ETHEREUM_MAINNET",
"withOverrides": false

Example Query

query ($owners: [Address!]!, $network: Network, $minEstimatedValueUsd: Float, $withOverrides: Boolean) {
owners: $owners
network: $network
minEstimatedValueUsd: $minEstimatedValueUsd
withOverrides: $withOverrides
) {

Example Response

"data": {
"nftUsersTokensTotals": {
"count": "1335",
"totalCount": "1335",
"balanceUSD": "669164.78802219"
Try in sandbox


ownersArray of addresses to query NFTs for[Address!]!Yes
networkFilter NFTs by specific networkNetworkNo
minEstimatedValueUsdMinimum USD value threshold for NFTsFloatNo
searchSearch string to filter NFTsStringNo
collectionIdsArray of specific collection IDs to include[ID!]No
standardFilter by NFT standard (ERC721/ERC1155)NftStandardNo
onlyHiddenShow only hidden NFTsBooleanNo
withOverridesInclude value overridesBooleanNo


countNumber of NFTs matching the current filter criteriaBigDecimal!
totalCountTotal number of NFTs ownedBigDecimal
balanceUSDTotal USD value of NFTs matching the filter criteriaBigDecimal!


  • Returns aggregate statistics without individual token details
  • Uses the same filtering options as nftUsersTokens
  • The count field shows NFTs matching current filters, while totalCount shows all NFTs
  • Values include both ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens
  • USD values are based on floor prices and recent sales data
  • When withOverrides is true, includes any manual value overrides in the calculations


The nftUsersCollectionsTotals query takes an array of owners addresses and returns aggregate statistics about their NFT collection holdings.

Example Use Case: Collection Statistics

Let's say you want to show summary statistics about a user's NFT collections. Start by passing the owners addresses you want to check. Then return the count of collections matching your filters, the totalCount of all collections owned, and the combined balanceUSD value. You can optionally specify a network or minimum value to filter the results.

Example Variables

"owners": ["0x3d280fde2ddb59323c891cf30995e1862510342f"],

Example Query

query ($owners: [Address!]!, $network: Network) {
nftUsersCollectionsTotals(owners: $owners, network: $network) {

Example Response

"data": {
"nftUsersCollectionsTotals": {
"count": "216",
"totalCount": "216",
"balanceUSD": "669563.3800342071"
Try in sandbox


ownersWallet addresses to check collection holdings[Address!]!Yes
networkFilter collections by specific networkNetworkNo
minCollectionValueUsdMinimum USD value threshold for collectionsFloatNo
collectionIdsOnly count specific collections[ID!]No
standardFilter by NFT standard (ERC721/ERC1155)NftStandardNo
searchSearch string to filter collectionsStringNo
onlyHiddenShow only hidden collectionsBooleanNo
withOverridesInclude manual value overridesBooleanNo


countNumber of collections matching your filtersBigDecimal!
totalCountTotal number of collections owned, regardless of filtersBigDecimal
balanceUSDTotal value in USD of collections matching your filtersBigDecimal!


  • Perfect for collection portfolio summaries
  • Works across multiple wallet addresses
  • Can filter by network, value, and NFT standard
  • Values are based on floor prices and recent sales
  • Supports both ERC721 and ERC1155 collections