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Account Timelines

Presents the onchain activity of provided addresses in a simple descriptive summary with references to dynamic elements of the transaction such as tokens, NFTs, and accounts.


Takes an array of addresses as input, with optional parameters for network, and spamFilter. It returns chronological on-chain activity including:

  • Transaction history
  • Token transfers and swaps
  • NFT mints and trades
  • App interactions

Typically, a single transaction generates multiple timeline events: one for each wallet impacted by the transaction and one for the associated application, if any.

Example Use Case: Transaction History

Let's say you want to show users their onchain transactions in a human-readable format with network and app information. Start by passing addresses for the user. Then return processedDescription, network, and the app object with the fields name and imgUrl.

Example Variable

"addresses": ["0x52c8ff44260056f896e20d8a43610dd88f05701b"],
"isSigner": "true",
"realtimeInterpretation": "true"

When isSigner is set to true it only returns transactions initiated from the specified address. When this is set to false, it returns every transaction that this address was a part of.

Example Query

query ($addresses: [Address!], $realtimeInterpretation: Boolean, $isSigner: Boolean) {
accountsTimeline(addresses: $addresses, realtimeInterpretation: $realtimeInterpretation, isSigner: $isSigner) {
edges {
node {
transaction {
fromUser {
displayName {
toUser {
displayName {
interpretation {

Example Response

"fromUser": {
"address": "0x52c8ff44260056f896e20d8a43610dd88f05701b",
"displayName": {
"value": "0xjasper.eth"
"interpretation": {
"processedDescription": "Started battle with sebaudet.eth"
"app": {
"name": "Tokiemon",
"imgUrl": ""
"network": "BASE_MAINNET"
Try in sandbox

If you want to surface tokens, NFTs, accounts, or other onchain items embedded within the human-readable description of a transaction, you should return description and descriptionDisplayItems instead of processedDescription. This can be useful for adding links to tokens, NFTs, or accounts (e.g., vitalik.eth swapped 10 USDC...). To learn more about how to use these check out the example for Single Transactions.


Textual description of each transaction is presented from the perspective of the signer. Events with descriptions such as "Did something with …" indicate that an interpreter for that type of onchain interaction has not yet been curated through interpretation.


networkThe network(s) to retreive, input as an array.Network!
realtimeInterpretationHuman-readable transactions, default is on.Boolean = true
addressesThe address(s) that is being queried, input as an array.Address!
tokenAddressesFilter by token address(s), input as an array. Maximum 20 token addresses per query.Address!
isSignerFilter by signer.Boolean
spamFilterFilter for spam, default is on.Boolean = true
firstUsed for pagination.Int!
afterUsed for pagination.String!


keyA unique identifier.String!
networkNetwork on which the transaction happened.Network!
processedDescriptionThe human-readble description of the transaction.ActivityInterpretation!
transactionContains onchain information like nounce , hash, blockNumber, gasPrice and more.OnChainTransaction!
appThe app that is associated with the transaction.Int!
fromUserThe address that the transaction was initiated from.Int!
toUserThe address that the transaction interacted with.Int!
displayNameReturns the display name of an address (ENS, Farcaster, Lens, etc.).Int!
actorsAddress(s) that were involved in the transaction. Could include accounts, tokens, NFTs, contracts, etc.ActorDisplayItem!
timestampRepresents date and time as number of milliseconds from start of UNIX epoch.Timestamp!
perspectiveThe address whose perspective is used in deltas.ActivityPerspective!
perspectiveDeltaObject containing different deltas such as tokenDetlasV2 and nftDeltasV2.ActivityAccountDelta!
tokenDeltasV2Returns info on the tokens transfered in the transaction such as address, amount, as well as the token object with more token specific info.FungibleTokenDeltaConnection!!
nftDeltasV2Returns info on the NFTs transfered in the transaction such as collectionAddress, tokenId, as well as attachment which surfaces other NFT specific fields.NftDeltaConnection!
interpreterIdUnique identifier for the Interpreter.String!
interpreterObject which contains info on the interpreter such as app and category.ActivityEventInterpreter!
sigHashReturns the sigHash for the transaction.String!