App Timelines
Displays a timeline of transactions that happened in a particular onchain app via their smart contracts.
Takes a slug
parameter and optional network
filters. Returns timeline of events for a specific application including:
- App-specific transactions
- Human-readable descriptions
- Display items such as tokens, NFTs, accounts, and more.
- Actor details
To find the correct slug
for the app you are trying to reference, find the app on Zapper. The slug is the last part of the URL. For example:, has the slug cat-town
Example Use Case: App Activity Feed
Let's say you want to show a feed of all activities happening in the app Cat Town. Start by passing the app's slug
. Then return details about each transaction including the timestamp
, eventType
, processedDescription
and description
. Use the first
argument to specify how many events to load at once, and the after
cursor for pagination to load more events.
When returning description
, the descriptionDisplayItems
such as TokenDisplayItem
will be used to surface onchain items embedded within the human-readable description.
Example Variable
"slug": "aave-v2",
"first": 10,
"spamFilter": true,
Example Query
query ($slug: String!, $first: Int, $after: String, $spamFilter: Boolean) {
timelineForApp(slug: $slug, first: $first, after: $after, spamFilter: $spamFilter) {
edges {
node {
transaction {
perspective {
interpretation {
descriptionDisplayItems {
... on TokenDisplayItem {
... on NFTDisplayItem {
accountDeltasV2(first: 1) {
edges {
node {
tokenDeltasV2 {
edges {
node {
perspectiveDelta {
account {
displayName {
pageInfo {
Pagination is highly recommended using first
and after
to ensure fast query response times.
Example Response
"data": {
"timelineForApp": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"key": "0x445369dac3aeefae7aa42f1347b89239e118c2373dbc01a40cc398cf53eca154:0x3c1d52c5240ec764cf818b4d7228d2da36ad9986",
"timestamp": 1733520575000,
"network": "ETHEREUM_MAINNET",
"source": "TRANSACTION",
"transaction": {
"hash": "0x445369dac3aeefae7aa42f1347b89239e118c2373dbc01a40cc398cf53eca154",
"from": "0x3c1d52c5240ec764cf818b4d7228d2da36ad9986",
"to": "0xd784927ff2f95ba542bfc824c8a8a98f3495f6b5",
"value": "0"
"perspective": {
"type": "ACCOUNT",
"value": "0x3c1d52c5240ec764cf818b4d7228d2da36ad9986"
"interpretation": {
"description": "Claimed $1 ",
"processedDescription": "Claimed 0.8577 STKAAVE ",
"descriptionDisplayItems": [
"type": "token",
"tokenAddress": "0x4da27a545c0c5b758a6ba100e3a049001de870f5",
"amountRaw": "857721002521299917"
"accountDeltasV2": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"tokenDeltasV2": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"amount": 0.8577210025212999,
"amountRaw": "857721002521299917",
"address": "0x4da27a545c0c5b758a6ba100e3a049001de870f5"
"perspectiveDelta": {
"account": {
"address": "0x3c1d52c5240ec764cf818b4d7228d2da36ad9986",
"displayName": {
"value": "cl0kwork.eth"
"node": {
"key": "0x0f1bbabb206a17b85005549583368fc27522365627a0d73f6b8dd7bdc40d5d90:0x1077d17c39d9c6a8131b54e735817f3c3a487f4d",
"timestamp": 1733520436000,
"network": "POLYGON_MAINNET",
"source": "TRANSACTION",
"transaction": {
"hash": "0x0f1bbabb206a17b85005549583368fc27522365627a0d73f6b8dd7bdc40d5d90",
"from": "0x1077d17c39d9c6a8131b54e735817f3c3a487f4d",
"to": "0x8df3aad3a84da6b69a4da8aec3ea40d9091b2ac4",
"value": "0"
"perspective": {
"type": "ACCOUNT",
"value": "0x1077d17c39d9c6a8131b54e735817f3c3a487f4d"
"interpretation": {
"description": "Approved $1",
"processedDescription": "Approved AMWMATIC",
"descriptionDisplayItems": [
"accountDeltasV2": {
"edges": []
"perspectiveDelta": null
"pageInfo": {
"hasNextPage": true,
If you want to surface tokens, NFTs, accounts, or other onchain items embedded within the human-readable description of a transaction, you should return description
and descriptionDisplayItems
instead of processedDescription
. This can be useful for adding links to tokens, NFTs, or accounts (e.g., vitalik.eth swapped 10 USDC...). To learn more about how to use these check out the example for Single Transactions.
Argument | Description | Type |
network | A network to retreive. | Network |
networks | The networks to retreive, input as an array. | Network! |
realtimeInterpretation | Human-readable transactions, default is on. | Boolean = true |
spamFilter | Filter for spam, default is on. | Boolean = true |
first | Used for pagination. | Int! |
after | Used for pagination. | String! |
Field | Description | Type |
key | A transaction hash. | String! |
network | Network on which the transaction happened. | Network! |
interpretation | Contains fields needed to present a human-readable transaction such as description , processedDescription , and descriptionDisplayItems . | Network! |
description | The human-readble description of the transaction with variables referencing types such as tokens, NFTs, or accounts. | String! |
processedDescription | The human-readble description of the transaction. | String! |
descriptionDisplayItems | Contains the fields which the variables in description make reference to. | ActivityFeedDisplayItem!! |
transaction | Contains onchain information like nounce , hash , blockNumber , gasPrice and more. | OnChainTransaction! |
app | The app that is associated with the transaction. | Int! |
displayName | Returns the display name of an address (ENS, Farcaster, Lens, etc.). | Int! |
timestamp | Represents date and time as number of milliseconds from start of UNIX epoch. | Timestamp! |
perspective | The address whose perspective is used in deltas. | ActivityPerspective! |
perspectiveDelta | Object containing different deltas such as tokenDetlasV2 and nftDeltasV2 . Also contains the Account type for the transaction's actor. | ActivityAccountDelta! |
accountDeltasV2 | Object containing different deltas such as tokenDetlasV2 and nftDeltasV2 . | ActivityAccountDelta! |
tokenDeltasV2 | Returns info on the tokens transfered in the transaction such as address , amount , as well as the token object with more token specific info. | FungibleTokenDeltaConnection!! |
nftDeltasV2 | Returns info on the NFTs transfered in the transaction such as collectionAddress , tokenId , as well as attachment which surfaces other NFT specific fields. | NftDeltaConnection! |
interpreterId | Unique identifier for the Interpreter. | String! |
interpreter | Object which contains info on the interpreter such as app and category . | ActivityEventInterpreter! |
sigHash | Returns the sigHash for the transaction. | String! |